Join us
Information on how to become a member, what we offer and an overview of our current members.
Requirements for membership
Applicants must meet one of the following requirements to become a member of Insurance & Pension Denmark:
- Danish insurance companies that have a concession according the Danish Financial Business Act
- Branches of foreign insurance companies that operate in Denmark
- Pension funds that are regulated by the Danish Financial Business Act
- Insurance companies that operates on the basis of Faroese law
Insurance & Pension Denmark is not an insurance company or a pension fund. Private individuals cannot become members.
Find the list of our members here
Information only membership
Insurance companies that operate cross-border from other EU-countries or countries that have implemented the EU non-life and life insurance directive, and which are not situated in Denmark, have the option to become information only members.
Find the list of our information members here
Become a member
You are more than welcome to write to direktionssekretariat@forsikringogpension.dk for more information about the possibilities to become a member.
Membership fee
All members pay a basic membership fee, which is regulated on a yearly basis.
In addition, members who access one or several of our industry solutions, pay a contingent and a price based on each member’s specific use of each industry solution.

Want to know more?
Contact our Executive Director
Jacob Nisgaard Larsen
Executive Director