Nordic Cooperation
The five Nordic insurance and pension associations have common positions on a number of important issues.
Insurance and Pension Denmark has a long tradition of close cooperation with the trade associations in the other Nordic countries. Over the years, the Nordic cooperation has been manifested, among other things, through several joint position papers on, for example, digitalisation, Solvency II, sustainability, financing of the future welfare, Recovery and Resolution and EIOPA’s regulatory work. The associations also collaborate through dialogue on both national developments in major societal issues and current regulatory issues. The collaboration aims to increase knowledge and analytical power and thereby strengthen the joint strategic advocacy work primarily at EU level.
A Nordic CEO meeting is held annually. This year Insurance Sweden hosted the meeting. The agenda included discussions on national developments in the area of pensions, transparency as to the work of EIOPA, industry initiatives on climate and the next European Commission (2024/29). At the meeting, the CEOs adopted the recommendation “Nordic insurers call for enhanced involvement in EIOPA’s regulatory work”.